Care homes in Urmston

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Brookfield Nursing Home, 71 Crofts Bank Road, Urmston, Manchester, M41 0UB

Brookfield Nursing Home

Brookfield Nursing Home is a medium size care home situated in Manchester, with 21 beds. The care home cares for and supports adults of all ages with dementia. Additionally, the nursing home is able to support people with physical disabilities.

Urmston Manor, 61-63, Church Road, Urmston, Manchester, M41 9EJ

Urmston Manor

Urmston Manor is a medium size care residence in Manchester, with capacity to house 24 residents. Urmston Manor houses younger and elderly adults including people with sensory impairment. The home also accepts individuals with dementia and physical disabilities.

Meade Close, 1-2 Meade Close, Urmston, Manchester, M41 5BL

Meade Close

Meade Close is a small care home situated in Manchester housing a maximum of ten individuals. The care home houses adults of all ages with learning disabilities. The home also cares for residents with sensory impairment.

Faversham House Nursing Home, 59 Church Road, Urmston, Manchester, M41 9EJ

Faversham House Nursing Home

Faversham House Nursing Home is a medium size care home (with nursing facilities) in Manchester housing a maximum of twenty individuals. The nursing home cares for adults of all ages including people with physical disabilities.

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Opening hours:

Monday 9am – 7pm
Tuesday 9am – 7pm
Wednesday 9am – 7pm
Thursday 9am – 7pm
Friday 9am – 7pm
Saturday 9am – 5pm
Sunday 9am – 5pm